7 Important Things To Do After Publishing Your Blog Post

Publishing a blog is great, but you should take extra care after publishing your post and you want to do it perfectly. Published a blog post and quickly moving on to the next one is a waste of your efforts. What you can do after you publish a post often has a huge impact on its success!
There are many things that you can do after hitting the “publish” button to ensure you get maximum traffic to your post. Here is a checklist of what you can do to hit the “Publish” button to make your blog posts work great for you.

1. Proofread: Reread the Finalized Post

You should proofread and be diligent about catching spelling or grammar mistakes.


But no matter how meticulous you are, occasionally find some errors after publishing you’re probably also going to find a mistake somewhere in your blog post. Sometimes, it’s not even spelled or grammar, but formatting or some other issue that slips in past by you.

You should be using spellcheck, However, nothing substitutes for the proofreading services of a trained professional.

Here I share some important tips for Proofread:

  1. Proofread your post several times before hitting publish.
  2. The live post is formatted correctly.
  3. There should be no wonky spacing problems, typos, or missing words.
  4. If proofreading is not your strong suit, Hire a proofreader from Upwork.
  5. Ask one of your employees to proofread it for you.
  6. Wait one or two days before you proofread it. You’re more likely to find mistakes with fresh eyes.
  7. Do Proofread again, again and again.

2. Linking Post with Some Old Post

Find your older posts that relate to what you’re posting about now, then link to them. This is called Internal linking, it inspires readers to explore your website further. And also, it’s useful for creating site structure and can give you some necessary SEO services.

Final Image

In the above image, you can see one of my posts that have an internal linking of my relevant old post in it.

It provides your readers an easy approach to get more post on your blog that is related to what they’re interested in.

3. Share Your Post On Social Media

Nowadays, in order to grow engagement on social media, it’s not as easy as just posting when you want it.


In order to begin social media posting, a schedule is a must for a lot of businesses. Use keywords on all platforms like hashtags on a Twitter mention on Facebook, and tags on Google+ to promote your posts and appear the post in different social media streams, which means it gets seen by a large number of people simply more than your followers.

Post On Facebook

When you post on Facebook, You have to add a quick sentence or two that catches the essence of a post and explains how others will profit from reading it.

screenshot-www.facebook.com 2016-07-07 16-40-57

Post On Twitter

You’re clearly limited in terms of composing a description with 140 characters. But you can try to compose a short, snazzy caption tweet that is in the interest of your followers.

screenshot-twitter.com 2016-07-21 17-30-46

In the above image, you can see one of Chris Brogan’s tweets. Chris Brogan is a Twitter master, and he knows how to get people engaged in a very short description.

Post on Reddit


You might regard Reddit as the web’s home for trendy people and geeks, and you may be correct.

Yet, it can also be a traffic gold mine.

People on Reddit don’t hesitate to share their thoughts on the posts that you shared.

Post on Pinterest


It is good to make a Pinterest board, particularly for your blog, which only shares pins from your own posts. Pin your blog post images onto that board, Then after a couple of days, pin them onto other relevant boards with a variety of pins from your blog and from other sources.

Related: How to get more traffic to your online store using Pinterest?

4. Do a periscope for your blog post

Periscope is now becoming a great thing. It is a video system, where you can record voice live while your user leaves comments as you’re saying. It’s an awesome and fun way to communicate with all of the bloggers and online friends you’ve.


The good thing about Periscope is that it provides you with a different way to share your content. Some people like reading blog posts, while others would like to watch them. So, after you publish your post, try doing a Periscope video about your post’s topic. I am not saying to read your post word for word, just share the main points of it and get people to encourage to read the full post on your blog.

5. Getting People to Comment on Your Blog Posts.

If readers comment on your post, make an effort to respond to them, particularly when they have questions. Responding to comments is a great approach to building a readership, more engagement, and friendships with readers who will return because they feel valued.

Let’s be honest. encouraging readers to comment on your content isn’t simple— particularly initially when you’re only posting the blog.


Even though it can get time-consuming if you receive hundreds of comments, it’s worth it to respond to everyone separately in a convenient way.

6. Participating in Forums, Quora, and Twitter Discussions

Search for a forum about your blog and then become a member of it. Leave a reply to that forum topic and update your signature to discuss your new blog entry. (try not to be spammy)


Similar to Quora search for questions related to your blog post and answer them, if you have a blog post that would be useful to that discussion then leave a link to it.

Furthermore, for Twitter go through http://search.twitter.com to find groups discussing your topic continuously. Participate in these discussions and check whether a chance to mention your blog post comes up. (try not to be spammy)

7. Create a video summary of your blog post and put it on YouTube

People like visual representations more interesting or easier to understand than the written word. Video summaries, create the perfect storm of interest, and information, and convey your message across to the people who need to hear it.


Video representations may appear as though this is a lot of promotion for your blog, but by posting your blog on youtube, you might be able to get away with writing and your message reach the right people.

I have told you seven things you should do after publishing your new post. If you do all of these and that’s it, your blog will successfully grow.

Like any other field, you should build up a list of tasks and finish each task after publishing a blog post. It will decide the achievement or failure of your marketing efforts.

Before you move on, tell us the way of promotion you do after publishing a new post. Also, let us know whether you are going to do anything additional after reading this post.

Tags: Ways to Publish a Blog, Social Media Marketing, Blog Promotion
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