John and Missy Dorsey, the founders of Lilla Rose, face a significant challenge in scaling their business. Despite a loyal customer base and consistent revenue, their sales have plateaued, limiting their growth potential. To overcome this, they need to reach a broader audience and generate the extra sales they desire.
EVM started Lilla Rose's first Google campaign in March 2024 with a $2,000 monthly budget. We launched multiple campaigns, including Shopping, Performance Max, and Search, and performed A/B testing with best-selling products. Over five months, Lilla Rose spent $11,000 on Google Ads and achieved $95,000 in sales, costing less than $7 per sale and generating an ROAS of 850%.
Our strategy optimized Shopping Ads with detailed listings and high-quality images, targeted relevant keywords, and used engaging Search Ad copy with location-based targeting and ad extensions. Audience targeting, remarketing, and regular monitoring via Google Analytics refined our strategies, significantly increasing paid traffic and sales.
Google Ads played a pivotal role in Lilla Rose's growth by strategically targeting their audience and enhancing brand visibility. By leveraging precise audience targeting and effective ad messaging, Lilla Rose attracted a broader customer base, resulting in increased traffic and sales. This approach not only expanded their market reach but also solidified their brand presence, driving sustained growth and profitability for the business.